
What Does Loathe Mean?


6 Answers

Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
The word loath is a verb and you can use for the phenomenon when you dislike somebody or something very much. The word can not be used in the progressing tenses, which means it sounds absurd when you suffix 'ing' to the word. As you are not advised to use 'paining', similarly you are not advised to use 'loatheing'.

The following sentence can make the meaning of the term quite clear as it is used in the context: I loathe all the modern arts displayed in this gallery. The sentence says that the person has very strong dislike of the kind of modern art paintings that are on display in the said gallery.

Another sentence can make the meaning crystal clear: The always loathed each other still they married so divorce is the only consequence of this kind of marriage.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually the word loathe means to have a scornful dislike to something or someone and it is a verb
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means to despise or have hatred for. Ex. I loathe college algebra.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means whenever someone hates another person
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A verb that Means you hate something. It's good if you say it like this;
"I loved the family on third street until they killed the family, not I loathe them..." it's kinda weird though cause it sounds like your making out with someone to me... Oh well.

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