Consistent means the ability to do the same thing over and over again. Being consistent can have positive and negative connotations. Positive connotations would include the Michael Jordan's ability to score 3 pointers after 3 pointers, Microsoft making good profits year on year, Mark McGwire hitting homerun after homerun.
Negatively it could refer to GM facing labor problems year on year, England's football team not making it past the knockout phases in major tournaments, Michael Jackson facing legal troubles for the last decade and a half. When used positively consistency is a sort after attribute in most workplaces. According to a survey employees wanted their bosses to be consistent in their decision-making. They are probably referring to a sense of fair play when decisions are made. There is an interesting school of thought which believes consistency is the forced identification of patterns that do not exist. The playwright and author Oscar Wilde was a huge detractor of consistency, he said that consistency is an admission of failure.
Negatively it could refer to GM facing labor problems year on year, England's football team not making it past the knockout phases in major tournaments, Michael Jackson facing legal troubles for the last decade and a half. When used positively consistency is a sort after attribute in most workplaces. According to a survey employees wanted their bosses to be consistent in their decision-making. They are probably referring to a sense of fair play when decisions are made. There is an interesting school of thought which believes consistency is the forced identification of patterns that do not exist. The playwright and author Oscar Wilde was a huge detractor of consistency, he said that consistency is an admission of failure.