
What Does Naive Means?


6 Answers

Sarah Devine Profile
Sarah Devine answered
Naïve has several meanings depending on discipline. In the social aspect naïve is to have lack of experience with a certain activity, which could be anything from politics to romantic relationships. Being naïve also means being innocent and having ineptitude in matters. Naïve can also refer to a branch in Mathematics known as Naïve Mathematics or Informal Mathematics. This form of maths that was used by ancient people or by aboriginals, is understood intuitively and then justified by examples, this has helped the disciplines of psychology and anthropology have an understanding of how early humans perceived their relationships with numbers and objects.
Another use of the word is with physics, people use physics on a daily basis without actually realising they are doing it.  Naïve physics is the untrained human perception of the basic physical phenomena; this is used quite extensively in the field of artificial intelligence and is used to give an understanding of the common knowledge of human beings. Naïve physics is generally simplifications or misperceptions of well-understood phenomena and after much observation the emerging results is that these understandings of the physical world are innate in all of us. Some of these simplifications are simple physics such as gravity, what goes up must come down; every human being (ability permitting) will experience watching a dropped object without consulting any studies from Newton first would have come to the conclusion that objects drop in a straight line. As with knowing after probably much trial and error with those toy wooden shapes and coordinating holes that a solid object cannot pass through another solid object later we discovered that tight bonds between the atoms would not allow it, so the informal becomes the formal.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Being naive at fifteen is one thing but to continue to be naive  when you are not at the right side of the thirties anymore  is another. It is not a pleasant thing to realise you are completely unable to read properly everyday life situations. You should try not to take everything at face value. Contests and  competitions are made for one person only - the convenient one. Face it. It is the reality in some countries.  And this is not going to change soon.
Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
The word naïve is an adjective and the word is used for a kind of person who is believed to have lacking experience of life. The person is lacking in knowledge of judging people also and he is willing to believe what somebody says to him. The following sentence can explain the meaning of the word well: Don't be so naïve to trust what every body says. In the abovementioned sentence the person is suggesting that it is not good for a person to believe everything that he hears. This context is usually a disapproving one but the word has some approving uses also and you can use the word to describe the simplicity of a person.

In art also the term can be used for the kind pf work that is made deliberately simple and often looks like that a child has made it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means "means lacking experience and understanding, innocent ".
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means to be very different in life.
Example: Her love is so naive it did change her life and death

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