
What Does Kohl Mean?


1 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
Kohl is a black powder used by women in the Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia. It is an item of make-up that is applied in a line on the eyelids of both the eyes. They are said to enhance the beauty of a woman.

Kohl is also defined as a mixture of ground galena, sulphur and the fat of animals. Galena is a type of black mineral. It is also known to alleviate such conditions as the inflammations of the eyes and to protect the eyes from the harsh glare of the sun.

It is a traditional type of mascara which is used mainly by the women in the Arab world. It is made of smoked almond oil. Kohl is also reputed to protect the wearer from diseases and to ward off evil spirits. It was traditionally made from the ash of frankincense and later from metallic elements such as powdered antimony, lead, arsenic, phosphates and other harmful impurities.

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