
What Does Herbaceous Mean?


5 Answers

Lovika Grover Profile
Lovika Grover answered
Herbaceous refers to plants. They are plants with non-woody stalks. Their airborne development by and large dies back in wintry weather in the moderate or temperate zone, yet in cases where the herbaceous vegetation in query is perennials. All the "annual" vegetations are "herbaceous," but not each and every one of the herbaceous plants are annuals. An "annual" is a vegetation that dies on the whole at the closing stages of the budding season, both exceeding the ground and underneath it. "Perennials," by dissimilarity, stay alive the winter, even if their airborne development dies back.

Normally, when public speaks of "herbaceous" vegetation, they indicate perennials like peonies and bearded iris. The word "herbaceous" therefore applicable, permits us to differentiate such plants from a different group of perennials which are the trees and the shrubs.
Lori Carter Profile
Lori Carter answered
A non woody green plant
Yooti Bhansali Profile
Yooti Bhansali answered
The hibiscus is any of the several mainly tropical trees or shrubbery belonging to the genus Hibiscus. These plants are generally characterised by their big, fancy coloured flowers with many stamens joined into a tubular structure adjoining the style.

This group of herbs and trees consists of more than 250 kinds of species, all of which belong to the Malvaceae family.

The most frequently utilised type of hibiscus for medicinal uses is the Hibiscus Sabdariffa, generally known as the roselle, as well as other types like the China rose. The hibiscus is not only used for decorative purposes, but for its medicinal benefits as well. The Roselle helps lower fever and blood pressure that is high as well as relieving coughs. The Common hibiscus is used mostly to cure respiratory disorders as well as skin infections and fevers.
Muddassar Memon Profile
Muddassar Memon answered
Hibiscus basically is a flowering plant; it is also known as Rosemallow and has a wide genus of 200-220 species of flowering plants in the family of Malvacea.

The genus comprises of annual as well as herbaceous plants, woody shrubs and small trees. Its leaves are alternate, plain, ovate to lanceolate, generally with toothed and lobed edge. The flowers are generally big, eye-catching, trumpet-shaped and have five petals, varying from pink, red, purple or yellow and are 4-15 cm wide.

Its fruit is mainly dry five-lobed capsule, comprising of many seed in each lobe, which are free when the capsule rips open at maturity. Hibiscus Syriacus has been selected as the national flower of South Korea. Where as Hibuscus Rosa-Sinensis is the national flower of Malaysia. In the temperate regions the most commonly grown attractive species is Hibiscus Syriacus.

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