
What Does Gouging Mean?


1 Answers

Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
Gouging is the verb form of the word gouge. It means a number of things. It refers primarily to use a gouge or some similar device to cut or scoop something out.

In terms of gore it refers to the forcing out of the eye using one's thumb or to thrust one's thumb into another's eye. It is used informally to mean extortion and in slang it takes on the meaning of swindle. A gouge is a chisel that has a trough-like or rounded blade.

Gouging is also a concept found in martial arts. It is a deliberate or accidental pressing or pulling of sensitive parts of an opponents body. Eye-gouging and fish-hooking are examples of gouging used in this way.

Gouge is a slang term that has been used in the Navy since World War Two and is used there to refer to the core or heart of an issue.

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