Spartan means "plain and simple." An ascetic life-style ridden in beliefs of self-restraint and a divergence from materialistic comforts is "spartan." Here are some of the relevant expressions: "a spartan diet," "a spartan outfit," "a spartan existence."
Spartan can also mean being valiant and firm in the face of the biggest of obstacles. The meaning takes a leaf from Sparta, the ancient Greek city, known for its awesome military strength way back in the 6th century BC. A person who exercises self-discipline and is uncompromising in terms of his decisions or judgments is known to have spartan views. Spartan also refers to the characteristics of the people of Sparta. The word is believed to have entered popular English literature for the first time in beginning of the 16th century.
Spartan can also mean being valiant and firm in the face of the biggest of obstacles. The meaning takes a leaf from Sparta, the ancient Greek city, known for its awesome military strength way back in the 6th century BC. A person who exercises self-discipline and is uncompromising in terms of his decisions or judgments is known to have spartan views. Spartan also refers to the characteristics of the people of Sparta. The word is believed to have entered popular English literature for the first time in beginning of the 16th century.