
What Does Moderato Mean?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Monderato  means very slow if your looking for the musical term.
Arlene Fernandes Profile
The term moderato functions both an adjective and an adverb. The term is chiefly used in music, the abbreviation of which is mod. It is used to mean 'in moderate tempo' which is slower as compared to allegretto but faster compared to andante. It is primarily used as a direction. Thus, when used of tempo, it has come to mean moderate.

The word moderato is Italian. Just like the term moderate, it has its roots in the Latin word moderatus, which is the past participle of the past participle of moderari, meaning to moderate. It is akin to the Latin word modus, meaning measure.

thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
can you get to the point please just tell me what the musical term for moderate is!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means a moderate speed.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means the rhythm is appropriate , it is not very quick and slow.

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