
What Does McKenzie Mean?


15 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
McKenzie means being "good-looking"  and a "leader" and "a great friend" and "wise" and "very smart."
Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
The word McKenzie is a popular name for boys and girls. It is believed to be of Scottish origin and means something like "the fair one". It is pronounced as ma-ken-zee. Another variation of the name is MacKenzie, which has an additional "a" added to it. In this sense it is believed to be either of Gaelic or Irish origin and is believed to mean "son of a wise ruler or fire-born" but can also mean "good-looking".

McKenzie is the name of several places in the United States including McKenzie in Alabama. A McKenzie Friend is a term used in law to refer to a person who assists a litigant in court. Linsey Dawn McKenzie is a famous British Model, Scott McKenzie is a US singer, Daniel McKenzie is a politician from Canada and several others share the name McKenzie.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means leadership , a leader !!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The name mckenzie means fair one or if you spell it like this mackenzie it means good looking.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mackenzie is my name it means a lot of things like wise and happy and many more things. I am so glad for my name to be Mackenzie.
Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
The word 'McKenzie' is considered to be derived from the word 'Mackenzie' and the meaning that you can figure out from the word is that of the 'Son of a wise ruler'. The word can trace its origin in the Irish and Gaelic language and it's not only 'McKenzie' but there are two other words also that are believed to be derived from the word Mackenzie. The words are McKensie and MacKensie.

The word is seldom being used as a first name for a person but as a surname its popularity is at par with some of the most widely used names. You can find several people with the surname who are spread the world over and most of them are of Irish descent.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The daughter of a king
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
McKenzie means me because I am "sweet" and "Gorgeous" and "Precious" and "Graceful"

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