The name 'Lamar' is usually used to give a name to a boy and it can trace its origin in the Old German and Old French as well. The meaning that you can derive from the word is water or land famous.
This word is not alone and has some variants also. You can find the words Lamarr, Lemarr, Lamarre and Lemar as the variants of the word Lamar and they all can trace their origin on the same root as that of that word.
One of the unique features of the word Lamar is that it is quite popular both as a name and as a surname and not many names in this world are existing that are enjoying such privilege.
This word is not alone and has some variants also. You can find the words Lamarr, Lemarr, Lamarre and Lemar as the variants of the word Lamar and they all can trace their origin on the same root as that of that word.
One of the unique features of the word Lamar is that it is quite popular both as a name and as a surname and not many names in this world are existing that are enjoying such privilege.