
What Does Hawking Mean?


2 Answers

Itz Preye Profile
Itz Preye answered
.The act of selling goods for a living.
Evelyn Vaz Profile
Evelyn Vaz answered
Hawking is generally refers to as art or you could even call it a sport that includes raptors to hunt. It is also known as falconry. This art is practiced in many cou8ntries across the globe. Some of the other techniques that are used to practice hawking are bird abatement and raptor rehabilitation.

The very well-known falconers are broadwings, longwings and shortwings. The broadwings are eagles, buzzards, Harris hawk. Birds that fall under the category of longwings are falcons and shortwings are Accipiters. Today however, falconry remains a status symbol more than a practice.

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