
What Does Frugal Mean Exactly?


13 Answers

Nathaniel Hobby Profile
Nathaniel Hobby answered
Frugal means careful or sparing in the use of foods or goods.  It is a synonym for economical.

The word frugal has a rather interesting origin. According to the second edition of the complete Oxford English Dictionary, the word is derived from the Latin word frugalis, which has the same meaning of using things sparingly or economically. It comes, though, from the Latin root word frux meaning fruit or product.

So to be frugal is to use fruits carefully, either literally in the case of apples and oranges, or figuratively in the case of the fruits of one’s own or someone else’s labours.

You can also use the word in the form frugally, meaning in a frugal manner, and frugality - the quality of being frugal.  There is even such as word as frugalist - that is, a person who lives in a frugal manner.

William Shakespeare used the word frugal (though with a slightly different spelling) in his comedy The Merry Wives of Windsor, where he says "I was then frugall of my mirth” - a comic way of saying that it wasn’t at all funny!

You can also use the word of things, such as food when it is sparingly supplied or used, or when it is very cheap.  In this sense it is the opposite of luxurious.  Poet Robert Browning, writing in 1868, spoke of "a frugal board, bare sustenance and no more,” when describing a rather inadequate meal provided by his host.

Dr Johnson, the originator of the first dictionary, managed to turn the word frugal into a proverb or epigram: "He seldom lives frugally who lives by chance”.

The Oxford Dictionary also points out one other slightly different use of the word under the heading "Occasional uses”; that is in the sense "The product of frugality” meaning wealth gathered by economy, rather than by being productive.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means to be thrifty and not wasteful
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A person who doesn't waste or overspend money on anything. A penny pincher. Lives very simply, without luxury.
Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
The word frugal is used to define a person or thing which is economical and avoids wastage of valuable resources. The synonyms of the word frugal are thrifty, prudent, economical, sparing, careful, penny-wise, parsimonious and penny-pinching. The most negative connotations of the word frugal conjure up images in one's mind of stingy people, or people who are commonly referred to as being miserly or misers.

A frugal horse is a breed of horse which is known to survive for long periods of time on as little food rations as possible. This is another negative connotation of the term frugal, as the term frugal horse indicates cruelty, neglect or abuse shown towards the animals on the part of the owners. Horses should be given large quantities of food and water in order that they are more useful or productive. A horse cannot survive for a long time and perform its activities effectively if it is put onto a frugal diet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Frugal is the question your asking like how do I get my self organized?
Amanda Wells Profile
Amanda Wells answered
Frugal comes from an old Latin word meaning economical or thrifty. It means you are careful with money, food etc - not stingy, but only spending what you have to and avoiding waste. It's generally a positive word, suggesting  a person who plans and uses their resources wisely.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Being frugal indicates that someone is watching their money closely and not spending friviously.  During the great depression, money was tight and people had, or learned to be frugal, because they were already poor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Frugal means not living like a tight wad, but rather living better on less through utilizing wise money management.   Our family has lived the frugal life for years and had fun saving and making efficient use of our money.

Frugal people like to save time, eliminate uncertainty, make wise choices and get the best bank for their buck.

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