Yo Kass answered

Come Stai? is probably the most straightforward translation, come (pronounced [com-ey]) is the Italian word for 'how' and stai is the second-person singular conjugation of the verb stare which means 'to be'.
With this phrase as a basis, you can add a number of additional words to the phrase to introduce a bit of variety to your conversations. For example, come stai facendo? is the equivalent of 'how are you doing?', whilst come sta andando? is Italian for 'How's it going'.
Come va? is another, more informal way of checking up on someone, and using tutto a posto? or 'is everything in its place?' will make you sound like a real native-speaker.
'How are you doing?' is one of the most often used expressions in Italian, as in most languages, and because of this, there are a number of variations on the way it can be said. It would be tempting, at this point, to make an analogy with the number of words Eskimos or Inuits have for snow, but unfortunately this oft-quoted allegation is something of a global misconception.
'How are you doing?' is one of the most often used expressions in Italian, as in most languages, and because of this, there are a number of variations on the way it can be said. It would be tempting, at this point, to make an analogy with the number of words Eskimos or Inuits have for snow, but unfortunately this oft-quoted allegation is something of a global misconception.