There isn't all that much history behind this particular name. What is known, however, is that amy is a given name that is occasionally short for names like Amelia or Amanda. In French, the name is spelt 'Aimee', which actually means beloved. Hence, many people associate the British form of the name with the French and say that the name actually means beloved.
For more potential meanings for your name, just go to You will be able to utilize its huge online database that contains male and female names and information behind them. They are alphabetized on the website to make it easy for you to find the name that you are looking for. By clicking on the link to a name you will be given a list with every name followed by the origin and the meaning.
Navigate to this website to find all of the information you need. After every name on the list you will find the gender as well as the meaning and origin. You can also click on any name that is provided to be given a rather brief etymology of the word. You will also find name categories in the left sidebar that is there to aid you with your search. You can choose from categories like American, Hebrew, Spanish, English and Greek - as well as narrowing searches down by gender, this can make the whole process much easier for you.
When it comes to finding out things like this, the Internet is your friend. If you can't find the information you need on this website and what I've provided isn't enough for you, then a simple Google or Bing search will be able to give you even more information about your name or any other name that you wish to research.
For more potential meanings for your name, just go to You will be able to utilize its huge online database that contains male and female names and information behind them. They are alphabetized on the website to make it easy for you to find the name that you are looking for. By clicking on the link to a name you will be given a list with every name followed by the origin and the meaning.
Navigate to this website to find all of the information you need. After every name on the list you will find the gender as well as the meaning and origin. You can also click on any name that is provided to be given a rather brief etymology of the word. You will also find name categories in the left sidebar that is there to aid you with your search. You can choose from categories like American, Hebrew, Spanish, English and Greek - as well as narrowing searches down by gender, this can make the whole process much easier for you.
When it comes to finding out things like this, the Internet is your friend. If you can't find the information you need on this website and what I've provided isn't enough for you, then a simple Google or Bing search will be able to give you even more information about your name or any other name that you wish to research.