The name Addison means "The Son of Adam".
The name Addison is mainly a masculine name, but is also sometime used as a feminine first name. It is commonly used in English. It is pronounced Ad-I-sun. The masculine and feminine first name Addison, therefore is made up of three syllables, namely the syllable Ad, the syllable I and the syllable sun.
Of the three syllables which make up the English masculine and feminine first name Addison, namely the syllable Ad, the syllable I and the syllable sun, more emphasis is put on the first of the three syllables that make up the English masculine and feminine first name Addison.
The English masculine and feminine first name Addison is derived from an English last name which means the son of Adam. In the year 2005, it was ranked 583rd out of the top 1, 000 masculine first names in the United States of America and it was ranked 107th out of the top 1, 000 feminine first names in the United States of America
Of the three syllables which make up the English masculine and feminine first name Addison, namely the syllable Ad, the syllable I and the syllable sun, more emphasis is put on the first of the three syllables that make up the English masculine and feminine first name Addison.
The English masculine and feminine first name Addison is derived from an English last name which means the son of Adam. In the year 2005, it was ranked 583rd out of the top 1, 000 masculine first names in the United States of America and it was ranked 107th out of the top 1, 000 feminine first names in the United States of America