
What Does Platitude Mean?


1 Answers

Yooti Bhansali Profile
Yooti Bhansali answered
A platitude is a statement that is meaningless and commonplace, which is conveyed in a manner to make it appear important and original. The word 'platitude' is derived from the word 'plat', which is the French version of the word 'flat'.

A particular statement is regarded as having meaning or not, is a very subjective and relative topic. Hence, platitude is frequently, though not all the time, made use of as a derogatory term to illustrate ostensibly complex or profound declarations which a particular individual sees as unoriginal or superficial.

The statements that are most often described as platitudes are generally short proverbs and idioms which have the intention to inspire or hearten someone else, but which are actually too simple in nature. Most often such statements are clichés. For example, "try hard and you will surely succeed".

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