
What Does Metry Mean?


1 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
Metry (which is actually written as -metry) is not a word by itself. It is, in fact, a suffix that is added at the end of such words as geo (to make geometry) and iso (to make isometry). Since geometry and isometry are both scientific disciplines, the suffix -metry, therefore, means the process or science of measuring (something). It is derived from the Greek word metria, which in turn is derived from the word metron, which means measure.

Metric is the adjective form of the suffix -metry. It is defined as a calculated term or enumeration which represents some aspect of biological assemblage of function or some other aspect which is both measurable and a characteristic of the biota. This biota changes in a predictable fashion and also influences human behaviour considerably. A multimetric approach is one which involves a combination of metrics to provide an integrative assessment of the status of aquatic resources.

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