
What Does Mirroring Mean?


1 Answers

Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
Mirroring means "imitating." The word is a present participle of the verb "to mirror." The act of mirroring imitates or seeks to give a true picture of something or someone. In technological parlance, "mirroring" refers to duplicating or making a copy of the existing data from one computer to another computer in another location. The objective of mirroring is to create a back-up in case of data loss due to crashing of the hard drive, or to keep the backup data in easy access of the user.

In mirroring, the data is written on two partitions of the same disk or two different disks within the same system. Thanks to the mirroring, each disk can be read separately. This in fact doubles the speed of disk reading as the processor takes less time to read the data. Mirroring is an important consideration to be taken during hardware configuration. While the first disk remains active, the mirror disk is split off and used as a back up.

Mirroring can also mean to mime or imitate somebody. For example, an actor or a mimic imitating or replicating another character or actor to perfection in terms of his speech, gestures and mannerisms is called as "mirroring."

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