As a name Maverick means an independent man or individual who avoids conformity. The name is masculine and is pronounced as "Mav-rick". The legend behind the name, and it is believed to be a true legend, is that an American rancher named Samuel Maverick during the nineteenth century refused to brand his cattle as others had done. It was the general practice and he refused to confirm to it, hence the meaning of the word.
As a dictionary word it is used in reference to a free roaming animal that is lost from its heard and the first person to find it is given the right to brand it for himself. Maverick can also refer to a dissenter or one who refuses to follow or abide by the dictates of others or from adhering to any group norms.
As a dictionary word it is used in reference to a free roaming animal that is lost from its heard and the first person to find it is given the right to brand it for himself. Maverick can also refer to a dissenter or one who refuses to follow or abide by the dictates of others or from adhering to any group norms.