Glorious is an adjective and describes something which has or deserves glory. Glorious is synonymous to fame. For example: a glorious achievement. Here, the word glorious represents the achievement as something which will confer glory to the achiever (one who has gained the achievement). In examples like: a glorious sunset and a glorious landscape, the word glorious describes something that has great beauty and splendour or is magnificent. Glorious could also mean delightful and wonderful. For example: she spent a glorious evening with her old friends. Here, glorious denotes enjoyment and pleasure and not fame or beauty.
Some words that one could use instead of glorious are: blissful, celestial, consecrated, deific, deistic, eternal, exalted, excellent, godly, heavenly, hallowed, marvellous, religious, sacramental, sacrosanct, splendid, spiritual, wonderful, aristocratic, effulgent, eminent, famed, illustrious, grand and notable.
Some words that one could use instead of glorious are: blissful, celestial, consecrated, deific, deistic, eternal, exalted, excellent, godly, heavenly, hallowed, marvellous, religious, sacramental, sacrosanct, splendid, spiritual, wonderful, aristocratic, effulgent, eminent, famed, illustrious, grand and notable.