The word eclectic is defined as a game of golf, the objective of which is individual stroke play. This game comprises a defined number of rounds. At the end of the series, each competitor records his or her best score of the series at each of the holes.
Eclectic style, in the context of interior decoration, is a term that means a style of interior decoration which harmoniously combines furniture and accessories that belong to various styles and periods.
In the field of theology, the concept of eclectic is one which selects or draws from a wide variety of systems, doctrines or sources. Eclectic is defined as something which is composed on material gathered from various sources or systems.
Eclectic means selective. It means an individual style which is made up of a combination of several existing styles. It does not follow any one particular school of thought and is not bound by any framework of rules.
Eclectic style, in the context of interior decoration, is a term that means a style of interior decoration which harmoniously combines furniture and accessories that belong to various styles and periods.
In the field of theology, the concept of eclectic is one which selects or draws from a wide variety of systems, doctrines or sources. Eclectic is defined as something which is composed on material gathered from various sources or systems.
Eclectic means selective. It means an individual style which is made up of a combination of several existing styles. It does not follow any one particular school of thought and is not bound by any framework of rules.