Conspicuous means one who is easily noticeable, sticks out in a crowd. A conspicuous person is easy to spot, obvious. A conspicuous person or thing means something that draws notice towards itself, by appearing extraordinary or astonishing. On may be conspicuous because of a bold hairdo, gaudy clothes, prominent body art or even loud make up. Such a person usually does not make an endeavour to blend in with the crowd, instead stand out so his or her presence is completely obvious and cannot be overseen by others.
Being conspicuous has a negative intimation most of the time. It means that the person is attracting attention, though not necessarily in a good way. Rather like the saying, "he sticks out like a sore thumb".
Being conspicuous has a negative intimation most of the time. It means that the person is attracting attention, though not necessarily in a good way. Rather like the saying, "he sticks out like a sore thumb".