ALEJANDRO=man's defender and protector(GOD). FERNANDO=ardent for peace(JESUS). ROBERTO=bright or shining fame(HOLY SPIRIT). HOTTER THAN MEXICO= HELL
Incorporate this into the lyrics: "Don't bother me Don't bother me Alejandro (God)" "Don't call my name Don't call me Name Bye Fernando(Jesus)" "I'm not your Babe (child) I'm not your Babe (child) Alejandro (God)" "Don't call my name don't call my name Roberto (Holy Spirit)"
In the Bible, the word "Babe" is used in place of "child" -Exodus 2:6
All of you are dum if you don't believe that it is evil she (gaga) like most others are satanists. The person who wrote this is wright.....
ALEJANDRO=man's defender and protector(GOD). FERNANDO=ardent for peace(JESUS). ROBERTO=bright or shining fame(HOLY SPIRIT). HOTTER THAN MEXICO= HELL
Incorporate this into the lyrics: "Don't bother me Don't bother me Alejandro (God)" "Don't call my name Don't call me Name Bye Fernando(Jesus)" "I'm not your Babe (child) I'm not your Babe (child) Alejandro (God)" "Don't call my name don't call my name Roberto (Holy Spirit)"
In the Bible, the word "Babe" is used in place of "child" -Exodus 2:6
The song is about how she sees love based on a man's wallet (she hides true love en su bolsillo [Bolsillo is pocket in Spanish, which plays a large part in the song]). She then wraps men around her finger with her innocent act (She's got a halo round her finger, around you).
According to her Wiki page, the song also represents GaGa's fear of commitment to the point where she cannot even remember the name of her lover (exemplified in the multiple changing of names; "Alejandro," "Fernando," "Roberto"). Additionally, the line "Mexico, rejoice!" ties into the whole "What happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico" theme that is ever-popular among Spring-Breakers in Cancun.
So, basically, the song is about being promiscuous and garnering as much money as possible, then realizing how wrong it is: "I know that we are young, and I know that you may love me; but I just can't be with you like this anymore...Alejandro." By that time, however, "Alejandro" is already in love with the speaker as he calls her name and addresses her as "babe." Unfortunately for him, he has no idea that she never felt anything more for him than lust and financial assistance.
I think that it means that she was in love with the man that died and was having and affair on alihandero (how ever you spell it) and that she couldnt stay with the man that she was cheating on because she feels so bad that its worse than hell and she would rather go to hell. I think that she was only with alihabdero for his money so her and the man that died who she was cheating with can run off into the sun set so basically she didnt love him she loved his money and it was all to just help her and her boy friend have some money and she feels so bad she would rather go to hell so guilt
Alejandro, Roberto and Fernando are spanish names used in latinamerica too, Alejandro= Alexander in english; Roberto= Robert in english and Fernando= Ferdinand.
I like this song well on facebook people say it means devil, but I reallly don't believe that it means devil any more tthats good, wooooow I just herd a noise in my bathroom and imm home alown and I'm only 12 years old and now I'm totally freakin out because I have to go someweres today and oh my god I was listing to allihanjjjrooooooo when I herd the noise why do I have to be the one hearing that
Why does everyone h8 lady gaga, shes a good singer n has worked hard 2 get 2 where she is 2day. So you think shes evil well what about other singers who sing about god n what they belive in r they evil. Shes just expressing herself. If you believe in god then you'll stop calling people dumb as it says in da bible love thy neighbour. Its a free country so lady gaga can sing about what she wants.