Symptoms that make their appearance in the form of a sensation or appearance which is not evident when you are healthy. Some of the examples of symptoms are nausea, pain, vomiting, headache, shivering etc. A disease like malaria is characterized by symptoms like shivering, loss in taste, fluctuating fever and headache. In fact, it is the main symptom which makes the patient rush to the doctor. This symptom that makes the doctor do a diagnosis is also known as cardinal symptom.
To be dum
It means like something that leads to another great effect
It is a subjective indication of a disease. Usually what the patient says or is feeling.
The word 'symptom' owes its origin to the Greek word meaning 'casualty' or 'mishap.' A symptom is a warning sign of some problem with your health. Symptoms are classified generally as mild, weak or strong. Your symptoms are a sign of a disease or disorder lurking somewhere in your body.
Symptoms make their appearance in the form of a sensation or appearance which is not evident when you are healthy. Some of the examples of symptoms are nausea, pain, vomiting, headache, shivering etc. A disease like malaria is characterized by symptoms like shivering, loss in taste, fluctuating fever and headache. In fact, it is the main symptom which makes the patient rush to the doctor. This symptom that makes the doctor do a diagnosis is also known as cardinal symptom.
Symptoms make their appearance in the form of a sensation or appearance which is not evident when you are healthy. Some of the examples of symptoms are nausea, pain, vomiting, headache, shivering etc. A disease like malaria is characterized by symptoms like shivering, loss in taste, fluctuating fever and headache. In fact, it is the main symptom which makes the patient rush to the doctor. This symptom that makes the doctor do a diagnosis is also known as cardinal symptom.