The word beadle refers to individuals who work in the church or even in a Jewish synagogue. This individual will also help the clergy. Their main work is to take people to the seats available and also to keep the order during church services.
This word also refers to as a last name. Some of the users with the name Beadle are Brictmarus Bedel (year 1066), Richard Budel (year 1148), Robert le Budel (year 1327), Richard Bedle (year 1541), John Biddle (year 1655) and William Beadle, 1664.
This word also refers to as a last name. Some of the users with the name Beadle are Brictmarus Bedel (year 1066), Richard Budel (year 1148), Robert le Budel (year 1327), Richard Bedle (year 1541), John Biddle (year 1655) and William Beadle, 1664.