The word surrogate stems from the word Latin word subrogare which means subrogate. This term can surrogate is used to describe something that is a substitute. For example: surrogate mother. This is a woman who conceives a child for another woman. The other woman is not able to give birth. The woman who acts as a substitute or surrogate mother is also termed surrogate. Surrogate is also a psychological term and indicates a person of authority that is accepted as either of the parents in a person's unconscious mind. In simple words, one that substitutes another is termed surrogate.
When one puts or appoints someone in place of someone else or oneself, he is said to have surrogated someone else or himself with someone. Surrogate could mean replace. Supersede, supplant, and alternate.
When one puts or appoints someone in place of someone else or oneself, he is said to have surrogated someone else or himself with someone. Surrogate could mean replace. Supersede, supplant, and alternate.