
What Does Scat Mean?


6 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
The word scat is defined as slang for the excrement of an animal. Scat, when used in this context, is a singular noun. The plural of the word scat is scats. Many scats can easily be identified and traced to the animal that dropped them. The easiest way to identify a scat and match it to the animal whose waste it is, is merely by looking at the shape, size and colour of the scat.

The word scat is also defined as a coarse particle of rock which is discharged from the process of milling. A scat is often crushed and recycled through the mill. In the context of animal excrement, the word scats specifically refers to the solid excrement or faecal droppings of a carnivorous animal.

To scat, in a musical context, is to sing in the jazz genre. In scatting, the singer merely substitutes nonsensical syllables for the original lyrics of a song and tries to sound like a musical instrument. To scat also means to flee, to run away from a place, to take to one's heels and to cut and run.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Scat means leave also duh
b a Profile
b a answered
Scat may refer to:

Function: Noun

an animal fecal dropping
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its when you take ecstasy, then once you come down from the effect of the drug you enter a phase of tiredness which is called "scat"... It is called this, basically because you feel like the poo poo

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