
What Does Mandible Mean?


1 Answers

Evelyn Vaz Profile
Evelyn Vaz answered
Mandible is basically the lower jaw of a vertebrate animal. It is also referred to as the upper or lower portion of the beak in birds. This is basically mouth organs of an invertebrate that is usually used for seizing and piercing food. This is also a pair of this organ in every insect and other arthropod. It is derived from the Middle English, Old French and also Lain word mandibula and mandere, which means to chew.

This bone alongwith the maxilla, is considered to be the main and strongest bone of the face. The mandible comprises of a coiled, flat part, the body, and two at a 90 degree angle portions, the rami, which together with the split ends of the body almost at right angles.

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