
What Does Hello Mean?


15 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hello mean go to heel
chen lyfen Profile
chen lyfen answered
Hello is a greeting word, when we meet people we should say " it " and it 's polite too , it come from English, it's a word for greeting people.
Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
One of the most common words we come across in our day to day life is 'hello' and the word is being used as a greeting when you meet somebody. The word can also be used when you are answering somebody on phone or when you are trying to grab attention of somebody. In Britain there are some other synonymous terms also that are being used instead of 'hello'. You can use 'hullo' and 'hallo' as well. The following sentence can make the meaning of the word 'hello' quite clear: Hello Jack, how are you?

Sometimes the word is also used when you are surprised at something. The following sentence can make the meaning clear in this context: Hello! What is going on over there?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Waving is hello,hi is hello,hey is hello,hatched is hello.hello came from hell becouse the devil came up with it.but it means why are you a I bitch?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hello is the standard greeting used in American culture used very regularly is the U.S.A.    Also know as a notion of shock or enthusiasm.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Every one's seems to have acknowledged that 'Hello' is a greeting. But no one actually explained it's literal meaning and origins of the word. Perhaps it's just a sound with no meaning or origin.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hello means when you greet someone you greet them with a word or shake hands or ...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How can you not know that!
Hello means hello.
You should know that!!!
You pakka!
From Bob Bobby Bobbington.
My name is Bob, but you can call me Bobby for short, but if you really want to shorten it you can call me Bobbington.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
That's a good question, in fact most of the people are unaware of its meaning and origin.  
1883, alt. Of hallo (1840), itself an alt. Of holla, holla, a shout to attract attention, first recorded 1588. Perhaps from holla! "stop, cease." Popularity as a greeting coincides with use of the telephone, where it won out over Alexander Graham Bell's suggestion, ahoy. Central telephone exchange operators were known as hello-girls (1889).
"Hello, formerly an Americanism, is now nearly as common as hullo in Britain (Say who you are; do not just say 'hello' is the warning given in our telephone directories) and the Englishman cannot be expected to give up the right to say hello if he likes it better than his native hullo. [H.W. Fowler, "A Dictionary of Modern English Usage," 1926]

The source of this para is this >>>
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hello is another word for hi, hiya, hey, does that help?
Its a word you use when greeting someone
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, hello is a way of greeting someone, rather on the phone, or in the morning. When saying "hello!" it's a joyfull way to greet. Some people like to use "hi" or "how do you do" and hello is the full word to say. It is the proper way of greeting someone instead of just saying hi. So hello really means just a friendly greeeting!

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