
What Does Sp Mean?


2 Answers

Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
Sp is an acronym for São Paulo, the wealthiest state in Brazil. The capital city of the state which bears the same name can also be referred to as "SP."

SP can also stand for Shore Patrol. It refers to the additional duties designated to marine non-commissioned officers and Navy petty officers. SP is the military police of the US Navy, the British Royal Navy and the US Coast Guard while on the shore. The main object of the officers in charge of Shore Patrol is to maintain decorum on the shore and to see that sailors do not act in an undisciplined manner on shore.

Sp is also an abbreviation for "spelling." SP also refers to service pack, or a software patch that can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website or available in CD-ROMs. Once the service pack is applied to an existing application, it is modified and upgraded.

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