
What Does Maim Mean?


1 Answers

Yooti Bhansali Profile
Yooti Bhansali answered
Maim refers to the mutilation or physical damage done to a person that deforms his appearance or limits the capability of the human body, generally without being the cause of death.

This word is generally used to indicate the survivors of accidents, torture or assault. Mutilation or maiming has several forms like amputating, burning, flagellating or wheeling.

Sometimes, this term may be used to describe the condition of corpses, like troops mutilated after they have died at the hands of an enemy.

Maiming is followed as a religious practice in many religious orders and has a lot of cultural importance in these religions. It has been used as a usual form of physically punishing somebody for wrongdoing in the eyes of the religion.

Maiming is illegal in the eyes of the law, and the punishment for maiming of domestic cattle was up to 14 years penal servitude, according to the Malicious Damage Act 1861, in England.

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