
What Does Freak Mean?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is a seemingly pointless turn of the mind or something abnormal.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Like a monster
Muddassar Memon Profile
Muddassar Memon answered
In present day world the term freak is used to address to a person who has a strange personality. It was initially used to address to people who were physically deformed, nowadays normally considered to be unpleasant and inappropriate.

In a number of metropolitan regions being addressed as a "freak" is to be called sexually indiscriminate. The term is still applied when addressing to mutation in pants or animals, but not usually for human beings. Where as a number of people like to be referred as freaks.

May 25th is celebrated as the International Freaks Pride's Day which is unexpectedly also the Towel day, a mark of respect by fans of the late Douglas Adams, who was the author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think freak is something like a person tht is not abnormal as usual like something in deep wit someone like eg. She is freak of korean. It's known as something coping or doing the same thing tht some famous or popular person has done already.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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