
What Does Francis Mean?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Trust me when I say the spelling is NOT UNISEX!! My name is Francis, if anybody was to call me Frances, we wouldn't be talking anymore...

By the by its means FREEMAN/WOMAN.
Muddassar Memon Profile
Muddassar Memon answered
The term Francis basically is a well known and commonly used male name. It is an English Christian name which was derived from the Italian name Francesco.

Francis has a number of imitative versions the most well known one being Frank. The often used female version of Francis in English language is Frances or Francine, often used in the USA. Francesco basically was the name which was given to Saint Francis of Assisi by his father.

He gave him this name in memory of his mother who was a French woman and had expired when he was still a small child. The term Francesco means "Little Frenchman".
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Francis is male and frances is female!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A beautiful and kind women/men it doesn't matter the way you spell it. It can be francis for both men and women or frances can be for man and women.

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