
What Does Chivalry Mean?


7 Answers

Liam Sheasby Profile
Liam Sheasby answered
Chivalry is the spirit of honor, bravery and perfect manners, as first demonstrated by the knights of medieval times. In the Middle Ages, English knights were expected to embody the essence of chivalrie (Old English spelling) by showing the utmost courtesy, skill in combat, generosity, and bravery; all men who wished to be true and good knights knew they must follow these special customs each and every day.

Today, chivalry is often associated with polite and respectful behavior towards women; chivalry may be romantic (as in old-fashioned courtship), or simply platonic (as in helping an older person across the street). In the modern age, many people associate the image of a man laying his coat over a puddle, so that a lady may walk on it without getting wet, as the true spirit of chivalry. However, it is purest essence, the idea of chivalry is about more than gallantry to the female sex.

The phrase, "chivalry is not dead" is often used today; this idiom is used to call attention to someone's courtly manners or gentlemanly conduct. When someone says, "chivalry is not dead", they are intimating that the spirit of medieval knights is still alive and well in the post-millennial world. While this statement is usually directed at men and their excellent treatment of women, it may also be used to indicate anyone's extraordinary politeness or honor. However, this phrase is sometimes used sarcastically, to denigrate someone who behaves like a cad or lout.

Chivalry is a mode of behaviour that hearkens back to a simpler time; after all, when they were knighted by the King, men had very defined roles in English society; all of their acts and utterances would therefore affect their reputations, in the eyes of ordinary citizens and the Royal Court. Therefore, the behaviour of knights was generally careful, gentlemanly, and correct; these days, proper etiquette is a big facet of chivalry.
Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
The word chivalry describes a kind of behaviour that is very polite and it shows the sense of honour that you have towards somebody. Though the word can be used for anybody but seldom will you find its use when describing a polite behaviour of a man towards another man; it describes the polite behavior of a man towards a woman.

But its use changes in different contexts and many people have interpreted its use as they please. When you are in the US state of Texas its meaning they say is that it's a man's privilege to decide what kind of behavior he intended towards a woman.

In historical context the word was used in the Middle Ages in the context of religious and moral system of behaviour which every knight was expected to follow.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means bravery, honor courtesy, and service
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is the words to describe Politeness to a human being.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means to have fun

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