
What Does Cabaret Mean?


1 Answers

Shezan Shaikh Profile
Shezan Shaikh answered
Cabaret is an entertainment form comprising of song, dance, comedy and theatre. The cabaret can be performed in a nightclub or a restaurant. Cabarets mostly include stage performances in which he audiences sit around the table and watch the performers perform. In some events the venue can also be referred to as a "Cabaret". Cabaret performances are anything between political spin offs to light and funny entertainment. These forms of cabaret were introduced by 'Master of Ceremonies' (MC).

Cabaret in vulgarity also refers to a Mediterranean style brothel, complete with a bar and tables and skimpily clad women who mix up and entertain the clientele at the brothel. Some of these brothels also include live onstage performances that include singers and dancers. The high society brothels include more sophisticated performances.

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