Haran is a name with a lot of Biblical importance. Haran in Hebrew language means "crossroads." The meaning is metamorphical, implying that "a place of decision."
Haran is Abraham's brother and Caleb's son. Genesis shows that Haran was the father of Lot, Milcah and Iscah (Genesis 11:27, 29). The book Genesis further shows that Abram (Abraham) lived in Haran, a town in ancient Near East for about 5 years before proceeding to Cannan, which is the current day Israel-Palestine valley.
Mary Cleere Haran was the name of a vocal musician who was quite a singing sensation when the 80s revived interest in cabaret singing and classic pop. "This heart of mine" and "Memory of all that" are two of her famed hits. She made her Broadway debut as band singer back in The 1940s Radio Hour back in 1979.
Haran is Abraham's brother and Caleb's son. Genesis shows that Haran was the father of Lot, Milcah and Iscah (Genesis 11:27, 29). The book Genesis further shows that Abram (Abraham) lived in Haran, a town in ancient Near East for about 5 years before proceeding to Cannan, which is the current day Israel-Palestine valley.
Mary Cleere Haran was the name of a vocal musician who was quite a singing sensation when the 80s revived interest in cabaret singing and classic pop. "This heart of mine" and "Memory of all that" are two of her famed hits. She made her Broadway debut as band singer back in The 1940s Radio Hour back in 1979.