Yo Kass answered
One Italian phrase that can convey the same meaning as 'will do' is lo farò (pronounced lo far-oh).
Future simple tense
In English, the use of 'will' as an auxiliary, followed by the main verb 'to do' suggests the simple future tense, as in 'I will do something'. The verb fare in the simple future (or futuro semplice) tense conjugates as follows:
(io) farò
tu farai
(lui, lei) farà
(noi) faremo
(voi) farete
(loro) faranno
The person we're most interested in is the first person singular farò because the expression 'will do' is essentially a shortened version of 'I will do it'.
Just as in English, the pronoun can can be dropped, but what Italian cannot do without (in this case) is the direct object pronoun lo.
Which direct object pronoun to choose?
The English 'it' is a catch-all pronoun that works for all inanimate objects, but Italian pronouns have the added burden of having to agree with gender and number, even if they are inanimate and have no identifiable 'natural sex'.
The pronouns which identify with the English 'it' are lo for masculine words and la for feminine words. So, in accordance with this, you can use lo farò when referring to masculine words.
An example of this is if someone asked vuoi ancora fare quel viaggio? which means 'do you still want to make that journey?' (viaggio being the masculine word for journey) to which you could reply si, lo farò or 'yeah, will do'.
On the other hand, if a teacher asked a pupil "mi puoi fare una poesia?" or 'Can you make me a poem?' (with the word poesia being the feminine word for poem) the student might reply la farò adesso meaning 'I'll do it now'.
Future simple tense
In English, the use of 'will' as an auxiliary, followed by the main verb 'to do' suggests the simple future tense, as in 'I will do something'. The verb fare in the simple future (or futuro semplice) tense conjugates as follows:
(io) farò
tu farai
(lui, lei) farà
(noi) faremo
(voi) farete
(loro) faranno
The person we're most interested in is the first person singular farò because the expression 'will do' is essentially a shortened version of 'I will do it'.
Just as in English, the pronoun can can be dropped, but what Italian cannot do without (in this case) is the direct object pronoun lo.
Which direct object pronoun to choose?
The English 'it' is a catch-all pronoun that works for all inanimate objects, but Italian pronouns have the added burden of having to agree with gender and number, even if they are inanimate and have no identifiable 'natural sex'.
The pronouns which identify with the English 'it' are lo for masculine words and la for feminine words. So, in accordance with this, you can use lo farò when referring to masculine words.
An example of this is if someone asked vuoi ancora fare quel viaggio? which means 'do you still want to make that journey?' (viaggio being the masculine word for journey) to which you could reply si, lo farò or 'yeah, will do'.
On the other hand, if a teacher asked a pupil "mi puoi fare una poesia?" or 'Can you make me a poem?' (with the word poesia being the feminine word for poem) the student might reply la farò adesso meaning 'I'll do it now'.