
What Does `Boca` Mean?


7 Answers

Danielle Joynson Profile
Boca is a Spanish word and literally means mouth, opening or entrance.
It is very easy to translate certain words to various languages due to the huge availability of the internet. There are a wide range of language translators online that will help you find the equivalent meanings to words in a different language.

  • Let's take Spanish for example. If you wanted to find the meaning of another Spanish word then one option you could take is to go online and access a translator tool. Simply search in Google and you're sure to find one straight away. Type in a word or phrase that you would like to translate, and then select the correct language for each section. Click on enter and the translation into English should appear.
  • If the English translation does not seem to make any sense then don't worry or assume that the translation is wrong. These online programs will translate the words literally so you may have to reword the English sentence to find the correct phrasing.
  • If you encounter any problems, such as a word not being translated then you should probably check to see if the Spanish word has been spelled correctly. If it has not, then the online translator will not find the equivalent in English. It is important that you fill in the right form of noun which will either be masculine or feminine. In addition, you may not get the right result if you do not put in the accents in the appropriate place.
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
BOCA is basically a Spanish word and is used as a noun. The meaning of Boca is Mouth and is usually used to refer to a person's or animal's mouth.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Boca Bosa

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