Unfortunately, there are countless answers to these questions, and it’s difficult to know exactly what the accurate term for this abbreviation would be. Don’t worry, though: We’re going to cover as many definitions as possible.
Firstly, in the social media world, ‘DM’ is used to describe the direct messages that you send to your friends on Twitter. When you use the ‘@’ prefix followed by a person’s username, your 140-character musings will be sent to their account for their reading pleasure.
From a medical perspective, ‘DM’ also has a number of uses. The most common is arguably to describe diabetes mellitus, and this is the umbrella term that is used to describe sufferers with Type 1 and Type 2 forms of the disease. It’s also used as an abbreviation for a common cough medicine that aims to ease the symptoms of cold and flu.
The final definition that we’re going to cover is used for measurements of length. ‘DM’ is also short for decimetres, and there are 10 decimetres in every metre. It isn’t a commonly-used form of measurement, with centimetres and even inches being preferred by many of us.
And there you go: A whistle-stop tour of what ‘DM’ could mean to you. If you are a cartoon fanatic who used to love getting up on Saturday mornings before your parents, don’t forget that this abbreviation was always on the uniform of Dangermouse. Unfortunately, there aren’t many channels that show this fantastic cartoon any more, but giving YouTube a try will be a great place to start if you miss it dearly!
Firstly, in the social media world, ‘DM’ is used to describe the direct messages that you send to your friends on Twitter. When you use the ‘@’ prefix followed by a person’s username, your 140-character musings will be sent to their account for their reading pleasure.
From a medical perspective, ‘DM’ also has a number of uses. The most common is arguably to describe diabetes mellitus, and this is the umbrella term that is used to describe sufferers with Type 1 and Type 2 forms of the disease. It’s also used as an abbreviation for a common cough medicine that aims to ease the symptoms of cold and flu.
The final definition that we’re going to cover is used for measurements of length. ‘DM’ is also short for decimetres, and there are 10 decimetres in every metre. It isn’t a commonly-used form of measurement, with centimetres and even inches being preferred by many of us.
And there you go: A whistle-stop tour of what ‘DM’ could mean to you. If you are a cartoon fanatic who used to love getting up on Saturday mornings before your parents, don’t forget that this abbreviation was always on the uniform of Dangermouse. Unfortunately, there aren’t many channels that show this fantastic cartoon any more, but giving YouTube a try will be a great place to start if you miss it dearly!