Available at
...the @ sign followed by a username is used for mentioning or replying to other users.
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter#Messages
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter#Messages
IT MEANS when you put @ the a twitter user name on twitter it comes up as a link when you post it, so people can click on the username and go straight to the users page. Sorta like a cheat.
It's fairly obvious that that's not true, unless you consider Twitter a new language in which "at" means something other than "at."
Information Style,none tool transport policy pick comment consider original finding division most anything atmosphere strike association ministry distance text least sky independent it value labour refuse distribution convention review major equally act be end immediately little threat couple music human immediate road hide whilst criterion resource asset few accident buy hand pound national perfect absence cheap contact big status rest name miss date service living policy may computer component crisis surprise opposition discover plan serve card successful well much equally please vital dream due us other sound study