Marquis is a masculine first name. It is mainly used in English. It is pronounced mar-Kee. It is a name which is made up of two syllables. In the English language, the two syllables that make up the name Marquis are the syllable mar and the syllable Kee. In the English language, more emphasis is put on the second (and last) of the two syllables that make up the name Marquis, that is the syllable Kee.
The name Marquis has been derived from a word in the Old French language. The Old French word from which the name Marquis has been derived is the word marchis. The word marchis is defined as a person who ruled on the lands which were situated on the border of a realm. In the year 2005, the masculine first name Marquis was ranked 525th out of the top 1, 000 masculine first names in the United States of America.
The name Marquis has been derived from a word in the Old French language. The Old French word from which the name Marquis has been derived is the word marchis. The word marchis is defined as a person who ruled on the lands which were situated on the border of a realm. In the year 2005, the masculine first name Marquis was ranked 525th out of the top 1, 000 masculine first names in the United States of America.