
What Does COPD Mean?


3 Answers

Robert Schatten Profile
Robert Schatten answered
COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and it entail two kinds of disease processes. These are chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Oftentimes, those who suffer from COPD show a number of features from both of these disease processes, not just either one. In basic terms, COPD actually means that there is a form of persistent lung disease affecting a person that narrows the airways of that person.

More specifically, bronchitis means that there is inflammation of the bronchi, or the larger airways within the lungs, whereas emphysema will entail the destruction of the smaller airways, as well as the alveoli. Alveoli are the airsacs that are found within the lungs. Hence, COPD is used to either describe both emphysema and bronchitis, or just one of the two.

COPD is one of the most common conditions that will require admission to hospital, during ‘flare ups’. According to a well known epidemiology study in the United States, around eight million people currently suffer from chronic bronchitis, whereas 2 million people suffer with emphysema. This clearly shows that chronic bronchitis is more common than the emphysema condition.

Smoking is one of the most common causes of COPD. In fact, it’s the number one cause, ad more than 90 per cent of people that suffer from COPD are smokers of either cigarettes or other ‘smokable’ things. Around 30 per cent of people who smoke long term will begin to show signs of COPD, to varying degrees of seriousness.

Smoking causes COPD by inadvertently damaging the lining of a person’s airways. As with all other parts of the body, and their responses to injury, this part of the body will begin to inflame. Inflammation then stimulates the damaged lining to start secreting mucus, in an extortionate amount. This is another thing that causes the airways to constrict.
Vicki Kelly Profile
Vicki Kelly answered
COPD means chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.   These are usually smokers (or have a history of smoking) who have a difficult time managing the thick secretions in the lungs.
They can be short of breath with very little exersion.  (Depending upon the severity of the disease.)  They often have a cough and wheezing.  Many times they need supplemental oxygen, just to be able to breathe comfortably.  

Seeing somebody with severe COPD is the best deterent for a smoker.
Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
COPD is an acronym for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In fact, the term is a representative of a group of diseases distinguished by restricted air-flow in the respiratory tract that is only partially reversible. COPD includes a host of diseases, the common ones being chronic bronchitis and emphysema. One of the major attributing factors for the COPD problem is tobacco smoking. One can also contract the COPD through airborne pollutants like coal dust and factory smoke.

The main symptoms of COPD are shortness of breath, followed by constant coughing with sputum. COPD is not curable but it can be controlled to a measurable extent. Stay clear of the cancer-stick and you will be far away from COPD. Drug therapy is also used by doctors to help control the COPD.

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