
What Does Sternocleidomastoid Mean?


2 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
The word sternocleidomastoid is defined as a large muscle which is externally visible. It is a muscle of the anterior neck. It enables the head to turn to either side. It is one of the two thick muscles which run from the sternum and the clavicle to the mastoid bone and the occipital bone. It enables the head to turn obliquely to the opposite side. When the two muscles act together, they flex the neck and extend the head.

In human anatomy, the muscles in the neck which enable us to flex and rotate our heads are known as the sternocleidomastoid muscles. This muscle derives its name from a combination three words, the words sternum (hence the first part of the word is called sterno), clavicle (hence the second part of the word is called cleido) and the mastoid process of the temporal bone of the skull. It is also called the sternomastoid muscle.

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