What does man bashing mean?


1 Answers

Nice Guy Profile
Nice Guy answered
Man-bashing refers to the feminism movement that started about 1970. Its most ardent believers saw various traditions as subservient or oppressive toward women. Among those traditions included different titles (Miss vs Mrs) for unmarried/married women, taking a husband's surname, foregoing or skipping career options for family and home, distribution of women in many lower-paying professions, etc. Some of those believers took their philosophy to the level of claiming some male conspiracy to keep women down. They referred to men of tradition as "male chauvinist pigs", MCP for short, where chauvinists by definition are persons of exaggerated loyalty to their particular group - males, in this case.
Their worldview of there being controlling vast male conspiracy theories behind every woman's adversity earned their practice the name of "man-bashing". Since then, any ranting about the ways, habits, or characteristics specific to men has been called "man-bashing".

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