Footprint usually means "a footmark" or "a mark or an impression left on a surface by foot or footwear." The footprint is often a clue which can lead to tracking a criminal.
Footprint can also mean the surface space covered by a device or an object. In the parlance of astronomy, it is used to pinpoint a specific area on which a spaceship is expected to land. In computer terminology, the footprint refers to the surface, especially the desk space occupied by the computer. RAM footprint pertains to the minimum amount of RAM, an operating system can sustain. The RAM footprint enables the user to know how much space can be utilized by the other applications. In military parlance, a footprint refers to the amount of ammunitions, personnel, and spare resources being presently and physically deployed at a given location.
Footprint can also mean the surface space covered by a device or an object. In the parlance of astronomy, it is used to pinpoint a specific area on which a spaceship is expected to land. In computer terminology, the footprint refers to the surface, especially the desk space occupied by the computer. RAM footprint pertains to the minimum amount of RAM, an operating system can sustain. The RAM footprint enables the user to know how much space can be utilized by the other applications. In military parlance, a footprint refers to the amount of ammunitions, personnel, and spare resources being presently and physically deployed at a given location.