
What Does Circumference Mean?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Circumference is the distance around a circle. It can be found by multiplying pi times the diameter of the circle or pi times the radius times 2. The diameter is the distance straight across the middle of the circle. Radius is the distance from the center point to the outer edge. Pi is the equivalent of 3.14159.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I assume you mean, what does circumference mean?

Circumference is the special name given to the perimeter of a circle.  It's like saying square versus rectangle.  A square is a rectangle, but by saying square you are also saying four sides of equal length, four 90 degree angles.

By saying circumference rather than perimeter, you are saying all points equidistant from centre, and length is 2Pir.

I hope this helps
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The distance around a circle. It is calculated by pi times the diameter
jay jerome Profile
jay jerome answered
C = (pi) x D

pi times the Diameter of a circle

It can also be written as  C = 2 (pi) r

r is the radius.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To simplify what Professor Peabody already wrote.   Picture the nice round tire on your car. Now, take a tape measure and wrap it around the the tread area starting at one end until the two ends meet. That measurment would be the circumference of the tire.   The measurment of the circle as though it were a flat surface
Lakshmipriya Nair Profile
Circumference is the distance in the region of a closed curve. Thus it is the perimeter of a circle. It is the outer limit or margin of a rounded body. It is one of the oldest measurements known to mankind. It is often denoted by capital C and is found by the formulae 2πr (where r is the length of the radius) or πd (where d is the length of the diameter). It can be found out by the formula for circumference of a circle i.e. Pi times the diameter (C = TTd).    Thus it is a geometrical term that refers to the curved line that encloses a curved plane figure, for example a circle or an ellipse. Its length varies according to the nature of the curve which can be ascertained with the assistance of the above mentioned formulas.

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