
What Does Compound Mean?


15 Answers

John Nawrocki Profile
John Nawrocki answered
Since it is in the chemistry section I assume you mean a chemical compound. A chemical compound is a substance made of two or more elements bonded together. An element is any of the basic items from the periodic table. These include hydrogen, oxygen, helium, silver, gold and at least 112 others. Elements are made up of a single atom.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is a substance consisting of two or more different elements chemically combined together . Compounds are form during chemical reactions, where heat and sometimes light energy are given out or taken in. A chemical reaction is a process in which the original substances are changed into 1 or more new substances.
A compound has properties that are different from the properties of its constituent element.can only be broken down into simpler substances by chemical methods such as decomposition. This normally involves heating, exposure to light or passing an electric current through them. The different element in a compound are chemically combined in a fixed proportion by mass.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Compound means 2 words put together
Evelyn Vaz Profile
Evelyn Vaz answered
The word compound is derived from the Middle English word compounen and also the Old French word 'componre'. The literal meaning of compound is 'to put together'. In other words the compound means comprising of two or more substances, ingredients, elements, or parts.

The word compound can be referred to so many things. For example you have something called as compound interest, which is an unpaid interest. Another compound reference would be an area that is surrounded by walls or fences on all side. This compound is generally used for any kind of activities. In terms of English you have a compound sentence. A compound sentence is made up of two independent clauses and no dependent clause. They are joined together with the help of a conjunction. You also have a compound food, which is a chocolate substitute.
Megan  Bieber Profile
Megan Bieber answered
A compound is:

Language Arts:When two words form together to make one word
Science: Is a substance made of two or more elements that are not chemically combined
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means that 2 words are combined together for example apple and sauce, APPLESAUCE!!! THERE.
muhammad waqas Profile
muhammad waqas answered

a compund is made up of two or more elements and it can be divided into further substances.the chemical and physical properties of compound are different from the elements by which it is made
Lisa Marie Halsey Muniz Profile
Do you know what subject it has to do with?  There are compound words, there are different types of compounds.  A compound could also be known as a small place that someone stays in.  There are a lot of different definitions.  Need more info.  Good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Jnawrocki is right. A compound is  two or more elements bonded together. The difference between a compound and a mixture which also consists of two or more elements, is that mixtures are just elements arranged, but not bonded together, whereas in compounds bonds between the different elements do exist. Another way of thinking about is, in a mixture, the elements can be separated easily by mechanical processes like filtering, whereas to separate the elements in a compound, the bonds need to be broken which is a lot harder.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What dose it really mean is some tinge like a lot or a walled enclosure a deep ditch or a Long fenced lane
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Compounds are pure substances which are formed when 2 or more elements chemically combine together .

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