What Are Pictographs?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A pictograph is the pictorial representation of statistical data. It is a visually more appealing alternative to graphs, bar charts and pie diagrams. Attractive pictures can be converted into pictographs.

Ancient Egypt was rich with pictographs. Entire stories were told with the use of hieroglyphics. There is evidence of them being present in old Chinese literature. There are many Mediterranean influences in the original pictographs. Pictographs could have been an extension of the ancient petroglyphs. Petroglyphs are rock carvings which were inscribed by the original tribes who inhabited various parts of the world. Sign language was probably a pre-cursor to all the written scripts.

The written language as we know it, most definitely came into existence after pictographs. Pictographs are widely used today in the corporate and academic world. It could be used to denote a company's market share over a period of time. It could also refer to the growth of a department in a company.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Pictographs are picture signs that stand for words.they were used to keep records in ancient times

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