What Does Being American Mean To You?


3 Answers

Grandma Pugh Profile
Grandma Pugh answered
Being an American to me is Freedom to do and say what I want without fear of being abused. Freedom to worship at whatever faith I want. Freedom to be with my family and friends.  The most beautiful sight I see is the American Flag flying in the open air and also being where God wants me to be.  It is so sad to see anyone who is being abused physically or mentally.
All the above and so much more.
mai Vang Profile
mai Vang answered
Being an American to me is all about freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to fight my rights and beliefs.
Many people here in American are abusing the law and it is sad that no one is appreciating how much freedom they have comparing to other countries. I see and hear other countries not having as much freedom as we do and are stricken with the laws. SO PLEASE DO APPRECIATE THAT YOU LIVE IN AMERICA.  
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Being an american to me is waking up every morning and appreciating another beautiful day of life! It also means to me eating sleeping and going to school for a good education.
In america these days you wont get anywhere without an education.
Life is not FREE!

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