I am a gypsy and am related to the Kale gypsies from Wales. We are misunderstood in our ways. Not all of us steal and not all of beg, that was from a time gone by, we are very family orientated and do not believe in criminal acts. We do tend to have large families and are very close to them. We do have heirlooms that we do treasure as would anyone else who has had a trinket or family heirloom passed down to them. We do not marry at a very young age, many others might but not all of us, we have all been branded as thieves or beggers but that is not true my family are hardworkers and have all worked hard to get their positions in their work. We have a stigma attached to us that we are dirty or unkept but this is also not true. We don't believe in sex with strangers nor are we promiscuous, we value family honour and pride. We do not harm others unless we are provoked or harmed, as for curses many gypsies know curses where as they are able to actually put use to the curse is another thing though. I have put a curse on someone ( which lead to the said person being involved in a car crash and breaking his wrist) but I have also removed a curse through no material gain. We are friendly and humanitarians. We do not all look the same nor do we speak the same, I know Irish Travellers that resemble us in no way. My family do have tanned skin and we do go dark in the summer, but we also have faired skin in my family.
A gypsy basically is a member of a nomadic, Caucasoid people of normally swarthy complexion, who had migrated from India and settling in many parts of Asia, Europe and lately North America.
Roma people are an ethnic Gypsy group they are often referred to as the "Romany Folk" and even Gypsies or Gipsies. It is said that the Roma people came from the Punjab and Rajasthan areas of India, it is believed they began travelling to Europe and North Africa by means of the Iranian plateau around the year 1050.
Habitually nearly all the Roma people speak the Romani which is an Indo-Aryan language, but currently they generally speak the dominant language of their state of residence. It is said that there are approximately eight to ten million Roma people in the world.
Roma people are an ethnic Gypsy group they are often referred to as the "Romany Folk" and even Gypsies or Gipsies. It is said that the Roma people came from the Punjab and Rajasthan areas of India, it is believed they began travelling to Europe and North Africa by means of the Iranian plateau around the year 1050.
Habitually nearly all the Roma people speak the Romani which is an Indo-Aryan language, but currently they generally speak the dominant language of their state of residence. It is said that there are approximately eight to ten million Roma people in the world.
Okay well I'm a gypsy so a gypsy is a preson who moves a lot and gets marryed at 14 15 16 18 19 22 17 and a lot of more ages and we are psychic and we do not STELL FROM PEOPLE AND FOLLOW THEM AND BEG FOR A PENNY! WE ARE LIKE HUMANS and every human bings stell and begs for money to not just gypsys my work is DONE!
A gypsy is someone who is like us! They don't all live in caravans/wagons,some live in lovely houses,gypsies are very family orientated they stick with there family as so do we,they wear vintage gold as it may have been passed down from family relatives it means a lot to them and is like their trade mark, gypsies do move around but only coz they have to,they can only stay somwhere for a certain amount of time,they live like this becouse its their way of life.some people believe they are trouble but they are only trouble if you couse them trouble if left alone you wouldnt know they are there, as for leaving mess on sites perhaps bins should be left for them as they try to burn most things to get rid of rubbish.I think they get discriminated becouse people do not know much about them, many people are scared of gypsies but personally I'm related to a gypsy family on my dads side,and they are lovely funny caring inde viduals who keep themselves very priv-rate.
The word Gypsy itself means 'the untouchables'.
Gypsy is ppl travellers. They don't stack at one place they always moving.
A person who moves from place to place
Well I think gypsy is someone who move around a lot
A person who has their hair fluffy and giant they talk fast and get married at 10,11, and teens and adults they marry their family members and have kids with them they also cheat on people and steal also they move around so they wont get caught!
My answer is that a gypsy is a red head
A gypsy is a person who moves a lot
I think a gypsy is someone who begs steals and lies for a penny.they follow you around and want to know what your doing.and taking as much as they can out of you.
I think gypsy is sum1 that wipes their bum with yellow pages laugh out loud